A glimpse, everafter....

Heaven. From an earthly perspective or interpretation, the great hereafter always seems just beyond our reason and understanding. I remember sitting through sermons at church when I was young. When the pastor spoke of the reality of hell I was usually on the edge of my seat, fearfully picturing in my minds eye a vividly descriptive and horrible place devoid of a loving God's presence. Hell wasn't a difficult concept to grasp or understand, even at a young age. Yet, when anyone made an effort to describe a place called heaven, never was a lasting impression made on me or awe inspired in me. It has always fascinated me that any attempt to conceptualize heaven from down here on earth falls terribly short of what the Kingdom of Almighty God must truly be like. From movies to books, theological explanations to artistic impressions, the wonder of heaven seems ever elusive. For myself, hope is founded in the meeting, one day, of my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ, face to face, knowing that to be in His presence is what brings heaven into perspective here and now, from my limited understanding. The mystery of heaven creates in us all a healthy longing to return 'home' which will be fulfilled, according to God's plan, at the perfect time. I do believe that we are allowed glimpses of heaven as we walk through this life. I personally tend to catch those glimpses when out in nature, miles from the busyness of life, where you can't get a signal on a cel phone, when time itself seems to slow and come to a stand still. I took this picture in Yoho National Park in August, while hiking and camping one weekend. In the moment there was such a peace that came standing there in the mountains beside this lake. God's presence became very clear in this moment, uninterrupted, and here I caught a glimpse...everafter.
Wow Tim! Your blog and posts are so professional!
Thanks Aaron. I'm not much for planning. I tend to just sit down and write about something that comes to mind, or expand on a thought, recall memories, etc.
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