A Passage to an Adage...

An outlet for my creative expression, musings, odd witty remarks, reviews & resignations, inane/insane ramblings and my latest attempt to publicly eradicate my arch enemy, the evil 'procrastination.'

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If I were rich you might call me eccentric. Alas I am not so I guess i'll settle for crazzzy.

Monday, February 27, 2006

A-musing into Prose!

Inspired by my recent rant "Based on a true story."

I heard that....(loosely based on actual facts)

insomniacs can cross time zones unaffected.
a tomato is akin to an apple yet the carrot is a better match.
if the sky falls here Australia needn't worry.
"seeing red" directly related to "feeling blue."
names inscribed on sticks and stones are causing hurt while breaking bones.
chocolate mice tend to run under a hot sun.
I can play piano perfectly in my head.


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