A Passage to an Adage...

An outlet for my creative expression, musings, odd witty remarks, reviews & resignations, inane/insane ramblings and my latest attempt to publicly eradicate my arch enemy, the evil 'procrastination.'

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If I were rich you might call me eccentric. Alas I am not so I guess i'll settle for crazzzy.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Jayden!

This is my nephew Jayden, also known as Jay-D-Kong or Jay-D-Pottomus. He's turning 1 today. His hockey skills have already surpassed my own and he is currently working hard on besting me at my own game of soccer! If this should happen i'll be forced to take up, and dominate the sport of field hockey. He couldn't possibly be interested in that? But, then again, Jayden has a little sister on the way that will probably rob me of field hockey glory as well. Woe is me! Happy birthday Jay-D.


Blogger Aaron Wong said...

Happy Birthday J-Dawg

3:09 PM  

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