A Passage to an Adage...

An outlet for my creative expression, musings, odd witty remarks, reviews & resignations, inane/insane ramblings and my latest attempt to publicly eradicate my arch enemy, the evil 'procrastination.'

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If I were rich you might call me eccentric. Alas I am not so I guess i'll settle for crazzzy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Thought For Today.

I do not know what tomorrow holds
yet I know you hold tomorrow.
You will be with me then
as you are with me today.
Present, as you have always been.
Faithful and unchanging
Steadfast and unwavering.
Of whom or what shall I be afraid?
You have given me today.



Blogger Aaron Wong said...

sweet poem

9:27 PM  

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