Rimmin' out!

This is the slogan Tim Horton's should be running because it is, mathmatically speaking(and math isn't a strength of mine), the likeliest outcome when you buy your coffee and inevitably roll up the rim to....LOSE! I must admit, when the 'roll up the rim to win' event first arrived on the scene I was always full of hope and coincidently caffeine in my endevours to find a prize awaitng me under those teasing rims. Alas, my endevours have turned up nothing but three fateful words. "Please." "Play." "Again." They invoke a special sense of ire in me each time I read them. At one time I would see one word first like "Please" and for a second i'd hoped it might be the beginning of some new string of words, for example, "Please Pick Up Your New Plasma TV", or "Please Collect Your Cash Prize." Sadly, that was all just wishful thinking. Now, in protest, I will be buying my coffee and in shear spite will throw away the cup when i'm done, without rolling up another rim until this contest has once again gone into remission! Ha! I could always protest by not purchasing coffee from Tim Horton's but....No!