A Passage to an Adage...

An outlet for my creative expression, musings, odd witty remarks, reviews & resignations, inane/insane ramblings and my latest attempt to publicly eradicate my arch enemy, the evil 'procrastination.'

My Photo
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

If I were rich you might call me eccentric. Alas I am not so I guess i'll settle for crazzzy.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Thought For Today.

I do not know what tomorrow holds
yet I know you hold tomorrow.
You will be with me then
as you are with me today.
Present, as you have always been.
Faithful and unchanging
Steadfast and unwavering.
Of whom or what shall I be afraid?
You have given me today.


Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Reflection of the Past?

The Oilers rekindled memories of the "Dyansty Years" by scoring 5 straight goals to come back from a 4-1 defecit against San Jose Sharks and beat them 6-4. Not only that but Ryan Smyth eclipsed one of the Great One's records by scoring 3 goals in a span of 2:01 (two minutes and one second). The record held by Gretzky for fastest 3 goals in Oiler silks (3 goals in 2:18) was a long standing and seemingly untouchable feat, but then again, this game was seemingly out of reach too. Look out NHL! The Oilers are a scoring machine once again.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oilers Open Their Season With A Win!

Is there anything sweeter than opening the new 2007 NHL Season than a win? Yes. It's opening the new 2007 NHL Season with a win against the Flames. Woot! The banner for Western Conference Champions was raised in commemeration of last years amazing playoff run that fell a game short of a 6th Stanley Cup. This season the Oilers need to go back and finish what they started. Bring the Cup Home! You heard it here first. Sykora will score 50 goals and Hemsky will put up 90+ points. Go Oilers!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

At the end of the day....

What is it about a sunset
that brings calm at the end of a restless day?
resting golden laurels on surrounding clouds
as they slowly pass by in quiet awe of the settling radiance
and warmth gracing their cotton candy masses,
setting the horizon afire,
the sun stretches out in a mighty and brilliant yawn
and gently pushes the peaceful azure of the sky to the edges of it's
glossy finish
and bids this day farewell for now.
God speaks volumes to this heart, this very soul of mine
through the silent wonder of His creation
The Son has risen.
The Son will surely rise again.